Configure Azure Monitor metric alerts with Infrastructure as Code

Configure Azure Monitor metric alerts with Infrastructure as Code

In January 2024 I submitted a post about deploying the Azure Monitor Baseline Alert (AMBA) solution. I've temporarily removed that post as the project has developed a lot since that publication and some information I had about deploying AMBA is no longer up to date. To avoid misleading anyone I will just point you to the AMBA website instead which holds all the information should that be what you are looking for.

One of the current cons of AMBA is that there is no Terraform support yet (however it is in their backlog). But maybe you as a reader have a much smaller customer or project and you feel like you do not want to deploy AMBA and all its bells and whistle. For you, I will provide an alternative which will take inspiration from AMBA for what to monitor and which thresholds to apply. However, it will be deployed using Terraform and not Azure Bicep and will be much smaller in scale.

A con of my approach that I will show you here which is a pro with AMBA is that they use Azure Policy to apply their alerts which means it scales very well. If you add more resources the AMBA monitoring policies will make sure your new resources are monitored without you even having to think about it.

Alternative solution

Another solution is to nitpick from AMBA and build our own alerts using Terraform. I will show you how this works and how you can have a configuration that will work for different environments both development and production should you want different threshholds for them.

Let's assume that we have a storage account that is hosting a lot of important data for an application we are hosting. It's important that this storage account is always available for us and that it serves requests in a timely manner. We can then monitor its availability & latency by creating metric alerts in Azure Monitor using Terraform.

First we will create the storage account:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "4.14.0"

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  subscription_id = var.azure_subscription_id

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "this" {
  name     = "rg-${var.environment}-${var.location_short}-app"
  location = var.location

resource "azurerm_storage_account" "this" {
  name                     = "st${var.environment}${var.location_short}app"
  resource_group_name      =
  location                 = azurerm_resource_group.this.location
  account_tier             = "Standard"
  account_replication_type = "LRS"

And our variables:

variable "azure_subscription_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "Azure Subscription ID"

variable "environment" {
  type        = string
  description = "Environment name"

variable "location" {
  type        = string
  description = "Azure Region"

variable "location_short" {
  type        = string
  description = "Azure Region Short"

Now I will create a dev.tfvars where I will fill this information out and use that in my terraform apply -var-file variables/dev.tfvars command so I don't have to do it manually everytime I run apply.

azure_subscription_id = "my-sub-id"
environment           = "dev"
location              = "swedencentral"
location_short        = "sc"

Creating my resource group & storage account:

terraform apply -var-file variables/dev.tfvars

Creating the alert

Now that we have the resource and we want to monitor it we can build a variable that will allow us to add and remove metrics to monitor quite easily.

Inside our we will declare what the variable will look like:

variable "metric_alerts" {
  type = map(object({
    description = string
    criteria = object({
      metric_name            = string
      metric_namespace       = string
      threshold              = string
      operator               = string
      aggregation            = string
      severity               = number
      skip_metric_validation = bool
    window_size          = string
    evaluation_frequency = string
  description = "Metric alert configuration"

This allows me to define multiple objects in a map so I can use this in a for_each inside our deployment. This is what I will add in my dev.tfvars file to configure two different types of metric alerts for my storage account:

metric_alerts = {
  storage_account_availability = {
    description = "The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation."
    criteria = {
      metric_name            = "Availability"
      metric_namespace       = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
      threshold              = "100"
      operator               = "LessThan"
      aggregation            = "Average"
      severity               = 1
      skip_metric_validation = false
    window_size          = "PT5M" // Five minutes
    evaluation_frequency = "PT5M" // Five minutes
  storage_account_latency = {
    description = "The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage"
    criteria = {
      metric_name            = "SuccessServerLatency"
      metric_namespace       = "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"
      threshold              = "1000"
      operator               = "GreaterThan"
      aggregation            = "Average"
      severity               = 2
      skip_metric_validation = false
    window_size          = "PT5M" // Five minutes
    evaluation_frequency = "PT1M" // One minute

The two keys inside this map are storage_account_availability & storage_account_latency

The current state of my dev.tfvars

Now I just need to define my action group and a metric alert resource which I will do in my

resource "azurerm_monitor_action_group" "this" {
  name                = "ag-${var.environment}-${var.location_short}"
  short_name          = "ag-${var.environment}-${var.location_short}"
  resource_group_name =

  email_receiver {
    name          = "email"
    email_address = ""

resource "azurerm_monitor_metric_alert" "this" {
  for_each = var.metric_alerts

  name                = "${each.value.criteria.metric_name}-${var.environment}"
  resource_group_name =
  scopes = [
  description = each.value.description
  severity    = each.value.criteria.severity
  window_size = each.value.window_size
  frequency   = each.value.evaluation_frequency

  criteria {
    metric_name            = each.value.criteria.metric_name
    metric_namespace       = each.value.criteria.metric_namespace
    threshold              = each.value.criteria.threshold
    operator               = each.value.criteria.operator
    aggregation            = each.value.criteria.aggregation
    skip_metric_validation = each.value.criteria.skip_metric_validation

  action {
    action_group_id =

Now I will run terraform apply -var-file variables/dev.tfvars -auto-approve to deploy my solution:

My deployed alert

Now I've successfully deployed my storage account, I am monitoring its availability and latency and any alerts will be sent to my defined action-group email. I can do the same now by fleshing out a prod.tfvars with different values if I want other thresholds in my production which is pretty neat. I can also add and remove metrics easily from my variable or if I want to monitor something other than the storage account I can build that as well.

Hope you enjoyed!


Welcome to AMBA!
Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts (AMBA) streamlines your Azure experience by providing a set of essential metrics and guidelines to ensure your Azure services are performing optimally. AMBA is your go-to for a proactive and informed Azure monitoring approach! Here’s what you need to know: Expert Recommendations: Access a comprehensive list of alert recommendations and expert guidance for Azure resources. Stay Alert: Get near real-time notifications to quickly pinpoint issues and visualize alerts from Azure through dashboards.

About me

About me
If you have landed on my page you will have already understood my passion for tech, but obviously there is more to life than that. Here I will try and outline a few of my other hobbies. Strength training I am a person who loves to move around and challenge