Enhancing Azure Monitor: A Guide to Creating Service Windows

Sometimes you may encounter situations where you need to prevent an alert rule in Azure Monitor from triggering. There could be various reasons for this, such as limiting alerts to specific time windows or completely suppressing alerts for certain purposes.
You can achieve this by using Alert processing rules in Azure Monitor. They offer valuable functionality for reducing noise and gaining better control over service monitoring. These rules serve multiple purposes, including:
- Eliminate false positives
- Compliance and Maintanence windows
- Noise reduction
It's important to note that while alert processing rules can suppress subsequent actions, such as not sending an email in the action group, alerts can still be triggered if they meet the defined criteria.
This is all so our team receives timely and relevant alerts, making life easier.
Create an alert processing rule
- In the Azure Portal search for Monitor
- In the left navigation pane select Alerts & Alert processing rules
- Select + Create
- In the Select a scope flyout blade you can narrow your scope down to the individual resource you want to supress alerts for & select Apply
- Under Rule settings select Supress notifications
- Under Scheduling you can select if you want to supress alert notifications always, at a specific time or recurring
- Under Details you select which resource group that will contain the rule and the name of the rule along with a description
- Add tags then Review and create

And you are finished! The next time an alert fires that meets this rules criteria you can open the alert, select History and see that the action group will be supressed.
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