Automate the population of runbook content in Azure Automation with Terraform
In Azure Automation you can publish runbooks that contains code that you run either manually or on a schedule. You can do a lot of things with this and one thing you can do is deploy & schedule Powershell code.
Me being a fan of Powershell, using it daily when I did a lot of windows server and specifically active directory administration, really appreciate the tool still to this day.
Even though I write more declarative code these days I sometimes want to use Powershell with Azure Automation for some "housekeeping".
When reading the documentation I found the content propery to be very interesting, it seemed like I could import whatever code-snippet I had by populating this property with the information of my Powershell script.
Using the content property
It is pretty easy doing this using the file() function with Terraform. I simply call the function and specify the location of my powershell file
content = file("~/GitHub/lindbergtech-runbook-terraform/src/Get-DevResourceGroups.ps1")
In this case I have a powershell script called Get-DevResourceGroups.ps1 which will list any resource-group in the environment that contains any tags with "dev" in the name.
$resourceGroups = Get-AzResourceGroup
$resourceGroups | Where-Object {$PSItem.TagsTable -like "*dev*"} |
Select-Object -Property ResourceGroupName,Tags,Location |
Export-Csv -Path ".\devRGs-$(Get-Date -Format d)"
You could take the output CSV from this and send it perhaps to a storage account or send it as an attachment in an email.
The entire resource definition in terraform
resource "azurerm_automation_runbook" "aa-runbook" {
name = "aa-runbook-dev-weu-001"
resource_group_name =
location = azurerm_resource_group.rg-automation.location
content = file("~/GitHub/lindbergtech-runbook-terraform/src/Get-DevResourceGroups.ps1")
tags = {
"deployedBy" = "terraform"
"env" = "dev"
"workload" = "lindbergtech-articles"

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