Contribute to Microsoft Documentation

Contribute to Microsoft Documentation
Photo by Ilya Pavlov / Unsplash

Contribute to open-source

Have you ever followed some guide or tutorial on or just read up on a products documentation just to discover that something is not correct.

  • A step is missing
  • A step is incorrect
  • Information provided about a product is incomplete or lacking

Well you can help contribute to rectify this. Almost all pages and articles in the Microsoft Documentation is being hosted on Github and written in markdown, which means you can identify issues, fork the underlying repository, adjust the content & finally make a pull request (PR) to contribute to their open-source documentation!

I recently found that some steps were missing in the tutorials for Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and created this PR:

This was my first PR for this so I am sure I will get better at writing more efficient markdown and create better PRs, but the more you do it the more training you get.

Contribute even the small things

As you see I only added about nine lines, removed five and added two more steps to this small guide that is a part of some much bigger documentation, but this adds up.

One of the beautiful things with open-source is that if a lot of people come together and help with even the small things like updating some readme, adding one line of code or simply providing some spell-checks it adds up to a more polished product in the end.

Not to mention that it helps develop your skills using VS code, git, github & markdown which is always helpful.

I hope they accept my pull-request!


A Guide to Contributing to Microsoft Docs
Microsoft Docs, is the website on which all of Microsoft’s official documentation sits. Did you know that the documentation is open sourced and that anyone can contribute to it? Because you can, Microsoft Docs is hosted on GitHub, meaning you can issue a pull request (PR) to any of the Microsoft d…
Microsoft Learn documentation contributor guide overview - Contributor guide
The guide describes how you can contribute to technical documentation on Microsoft Learn.

About the author

About me
If you have landed on my page you will have already understood my passion for tech, but obviously there is more to life than that. Here I will try and outline a few of my other hobbies. Strength training I am a person who loves to move around and challenge